Innovation attend the technique and service training in Nagano Science

create time: 2019-02-25 09:11:29


Innovation Tech & Marketing team went to Osaka in 2019 January, which is the HQ of Nagano Science (NS), to attend the product and relative service training which is well prepared by NS. The main purpose is to level up Innovation’s technique level for Nagano Science product and improve the service level for the qualification and after sales, like the 3Q, maintenance part replacement, etc.


Nagano Science also assigned several senior specialists to do the trainings and on-site product learning, the main contents including the GMP,ICH, PIC/S GL study, Risk assessment and evaluation system learning, Product performance and application, the execution of the 3Q and relative after service, etc. And both NS and Innovation agreed to continue to do more trainings later in order to make Innovation can provide the same technique and service level to Chinese Pharm Customers.