
1962 ● Mikitomo Nagano starts SANYO SEIKI SHOKAI and sells scientific equipment for the chemical industry in Osaka, Japan


1963 ● Start manufacturing of scientific and chemical industrial equipment in Fukuzawa


1968 ● Construction of the first production plant in Ibaraki near Osaka is completed, expansion of production of scientific equipment and own sales activities from the new factory head office in Ibaraki


1970 ●Rename company name to Nagano Scientific InstrumentsCo. Ltd. and restructure to suit the fast business expansion; Mikitomo Nagano is the first president of Nagano Science.
● Launch the first-own-developed products, bottle cabinets and cooling chambers


1977 ● Expand its production capacity and moves to its new facility in Takatsuki


1981 ● Establish the first sales office in Tokyo Bunkyo-ward
● Successfully completion of the development of Nagano Scientific Instruments microprocessor controlled humidity and temperature regulation system for the newly launched temperature and humidity chambers in Japan


1984 ● Rapid sales and high demands make the next expansion of the production capacity necessary, the plant is moved to Amashinmachi Takatsuki
● The new head office is now in the Fukuzawa factory


1985 ● Development of the GP-IB RS232C System; the first data connection device allowing data transfer from equipment to data recording machines, this product has been successfully introduced as joint venture project by Nikkei newspaper


1986 ● Introduction of the first data monitoring and recording system for environmental chambers in Japan (Computer Centralized Control MAS System)


1988 ● First pharmaceutical photo-stability testing chamber series Lightron LT-120 has been introduced in Japan


● Establishment of the Tokyo service center in Ota-ward Tokyo and integration of the Tokyo sales office to the new service center
● GL-NAG the second generation of the computerized data monitoring and recording system for  environmental chamber is introduced


1993 ● Expansion of the production facility in Fukuzawa factory and addition of new ware house and administrative facilities


1997 ● Second generation pharmaceutical stability testing chamber series LTX-01 with new Xenon light source introduced in Japan


1999 ● Nagano Scientific is establishing the specialized field validation service division nationwide


2000 ● Obtain ISO9001certification (JQA)
● Introduction of the new energy saving pharmaceutical stability testing chamber series ECONAS
● Set up of the Pharmaceutical Stability Testing Development Center (STC) in Senri Life Science Center Building, Toyonaka, Osaka


2001 ● First STC seminar about storage stability testing process in the pharmaceutical industry is held in Osaka and Tokyo with over 200 specialists of quality control and quality assurance attending


2002  Daizo Nagano  appointed as new president of Nagano Scientific Instruments Introduction of the third generation the fully 21 CFR Part 11 compliant data monitoring and recording system “NASTER Monitoring System”
● Change of company name to Nagano Science Co. Ltd.
● Start stability testing Information mail service as new service tool for pharmaceutical quality control and qualityassurance specialists
● Expansion of the nationwide service network from 2 to 4 locations


2004 ● The second generation of the energy saving pharmaceutical stability testing chamber series ECONAS II with smaller footprint introduced in Japan
● Nagano Science is first to introduce a 21CFR Part 11 series compliant stability testing sample management system; the “RiBS Manager”
● Introduction of sample storage stability testing services for pharmaceutical customers in Japan
● Expansion of the service network to 8 locations nationwide


2005 ● Nagano Science headquarter is moved to Senri Life Science Building in Toyonaka, Osaka
● Nationwide service network expanded to 13 locations


2006 ● Tokyo sales and service center is now at the new location in Sea Fort Square Center Building, Tennoz Aisle,Tokyo
● Nagano Science introduces its sample storage service for back-up storage stability testing as first service product of  the new stability testing risk management support service


2007 ● Development and introduction of the world’s first risk-based pharmaceutical photo-stability testing chamber series LTL-200A
● Introduction of risk assessment services for stability testing chambers as extension of the stability testing risk management support service
● New sales office in Shizuoka is opened


2008 ● The service network of Nagano Science is expanded to 15 locations in Japan


2009 ● The Takatsuki factory renovation completed and the new manufacturing and R&D facility is now named “Mother  Factory”
● The Pharmaceutical Stability Testing Development Center is restructured and now known as Pharmaceutical Stability Testing Process Development Center to focus its activities to the fast growing needs of the pharmaceutical market in Japan
● Veriteq Canada appoints Nagano Science as official sales and service partner of for precision temperature and humidity data logger in Japan
● Nagano Science opens its storage stability testing facility STSS in Saito
● The Mother Factory receives the “Good Design Award” for the innovative design of the building
● Obtain ISO14001 certification (JQA)


2010 ● Nagano Science sets up its global marketing group


2011 ● Nagano Science is holding its first seminar on disaster risk reduction for the pharmaceutical industry in Osaka
​● The sample storage capacity of the Saito STSS site has been doubled to meet rapid increasing demands for outsourced storage stability testing


2012 ● Specific disaster risk assessment services for the pharmaceutical industry have been introduced in Japan
● Launch PQS (Pharamceutical Quality System) development support service


2013  ● Establish "Nagano Science USA, Inc" in USA
 ● Form business alliance with a US company for validation service
 ● Obtain ISO/IEC17025 accreditation (PJLA)

 ● Launch first international Walk-In Chamber “ATX” series in South East Asia


2014  ● Obtain ISMS(ISO/IEC27001:2013/JIS Q 27001:2014) certification (BSI-J)
 ● Launch PIC/S compliant new generation Reach-In Chamber “NST” series in Japan


2015  ● Launch temperature and humidity data monitoring system “NASTER Module” dedicated to stability testing storage


2019  ● Launch PIC/S compliant new generation Reach-In Chamber “QUALINAS” series  in South East Asia